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Weekly Showcase - September 20th 2023

Writer's picture: plasticpreacherplasticpreacher

Hello and welcome back to another weekly showcase. We've got a few cool converted models to show off today, so if you're a fan of conversions, you'll be a fan of this week's offerings!


Ruby is getting the ball rolling today, with this subtle but beautiful conversion on the new lieutenant from the leviathan box. Adding a number of little details not normally found on this model, has completely changed the feel, and in my opinion, far surpassed the original sculpt. These conversions would be nothing if the painting wasn't great, so it's amazing to see that the paintjob itself is a marvel to look at. Cool and crisp, with wonderful highlighting. And look at that awesome base? Ruby is absolutely worthy of you checking out her page, so do it now!

Next up is this super cool and unique offering provided for us by Lex. The choice to give lizards some serious firepower would have been questionable, if not for the resounding success we can see right in front of us. This conversion has worked so well, I'd be surprised if Games Workshop don't catch on to some potential money making new faction for 40k. Such a cool and original idea to bring these blue blooded boys to a sci-fi setting. I'm hoping Lex ends up creating an entire army based off this model, as that would be pure pleasure for the eyes. Please go check Lex's page out!

Up next we've got this cool little dude to look at. Martin has a great choice in miniatures, so it was hard picking one to showcase, but I haven't ever shown off an Aeldari, so here we are. The highlight of this paintjob are those utterly astounding pink gems. Such a beautiful job painting them, they really do look so very realistic. They contrast perfectly off the green and varying degrees of brown, making the overall paintjob really lovely to look at, from both far away and up close. Martin has a great selection of paintjobs, so go and have a look at his page!

We're finishing this weeks showcase with a final conversion. This cool ex Stormcast model has been devoted to Khorne in the form of Valkia. Harry here has masterfully ensured that this model doesn't even look like it was converted. This honestly looks so much better than the official model for Valkia, and far more imposing. It just goes to show that the most simple of changes, can dramatically change the entire atmosphere of a model. The paintjob here does the conversion justice, fueling that red rage. Go check out Harry's page to see what other cool things he's up to!


That's all we've got for today for you! Please do go and check out the featured artists, and let them know how cool their respective works are! It goes without saying, that you can directly reach out to me if you've got something you'd like to get showcased. So far, I've never received a single request, and everyone I've ever featured, I have reached out to them. So I guess it does go with saying then, please don't be shy! Let me help you spread your wonderful artwork!

If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in contact via or @plasticpreacher on Instagram.

Thanks for reading!


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