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Weekly Showcase - 5th June 2024

Writer's picture: plasticpreacherplasticpreacher

Good morning, afternoon and/or evening. Welcome to yet another week of showcasing all of the miniature artistic goodness we have just floating around the void that is quite often, life. Let's get straight into it, so get your eyeballs ready.


Our first artist today is Lewis with his amazing take on Saruman. Clearly Lewis wasn't having a paint brush nightmare when it came to painting this piece, as it truly is a powerful sight to behold. I've found that painting white isn't always the easiest thing to do, so it's great to see multiple tones of it pulled off here between the robes and hair. It's cool and gritty and causes the overall piece to feel rich in atmosphere. And the little scenic basing work is truly wonderful, putting the Tolkien inspired cherry on top of the Tolkien inspired cake. Great work and much more to be found over on Lewis' page!

Next u, we've got a real treat in the form of this Alchemite Warforger. Caitlyn has created a truly beautiful piece, utilising an awesome effect of contrast. Half the model possess that lovely gritty feel that these sculpts suit so well. But the other half, featuring the beautiful blends of saturated purples and blues, makes this model shine so very bright. It is without a doubt my favourite paintjob I have seen on this sculpt, and the expert use of OSL more than inspires me to practice more myself. Awesome work and more over on Caitlyn's page!

Our third piece of art today is courtesy of another Caitlin! I know, you just can't make it up. Well get over it, and look at this wonderful paintjob. This is one of those sculpts that the box art truly looks fantastic, and Caitlin has pulled it off effortlessly, contrasting the earthy tones of the green and brown against the magical aspects in that glorious blue. Lot's of subtle blending has been utilised fantastically here, and it provides a real pop of colour for your little retinas to gawk at. Make sure you head over to Caitlin's page to check out more of her work!

Our final piece of art to enjoy today is this big majestic creature. Øystein brings us this beautiful paintjob, which is no mean feat considering the sheer size of this sculpt. Electing to go for a small colour palette, Øystein proves that simplicity is often more beautiful, as the limited colours utilised here work so wonderfully against eachother. That lovely green/blue metal work is the perfect colour choice to provide that little (or in this case, large) pop of colour, which only accentuates the rest of the paint job. Go check out Øystein's page for lots more!


That will be that for this week. Go and do your thing by checking out all of the artists featured here in more detail, as these little snapshots are not enough to truly get your inspirational gears turning.

Sadly, I'm in a position now where moist of my requests to feature people have gone unread and ignored. I am running out of artists to feature, and it will truly break my hear to have to stop showcasing art, simply because people didn't reply. So please, get in touch and send over something you're proud of! The world deserves to see your miniature art, and to not share it would only be selfish

So don't be selfish, and get in touch via here, or @plasticpreacher via Instagram.


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Jun 05, 2024

Great showcase once again! I've had the pleasure of meeting Lewis/Paintbrush Nightmares at a model show in Edinburgh, lovely guy and super passionate about the hobby. That Saruman peice is an absolute gem.

Jun 06, 2024
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Great community spirit in action!

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