Hey welcome back to this weeks entry in our weekly showcases! Got a cool varied bunch for you today, so let's stop yapping and get on with it!

The first artist today is treating us to this majestically pox ridden horse and rider. I love the sculpt of this model, and have only really seen very good paintjobs on it. This is one of those, with amazing pops of colour without losing the overall sickly pale vibe of Nurgle. The clean detailing compliments the scheme wonderfully, making for a truly impressive sigh, even at a distance. The basing is also a little extra, and I'm here all day for that. Screw those plastic bases! I can promise you, if you don't check this artist out, you're a fool.

We've got the good old stormcast to look at next, with Dylan taking the reigns and making an unoriginal model, look pretty original! Taking this classic model, the artist has masterfully weathered it. I've never been a big fan of the classic gold and blue, so love an alternate scheme. And this oxidized and rusted paintjob has done the model complete and utter justice. It truly looks great; a whole army of this scheme would be wonderful! Make sure you go check out Dylan's page to see his work and more!
3) @theboboni

Up next, we've got something to warm the heart of even the coldest of people. Nothing better than spending hours upon hours painting a model beautifully, only to set it on fire. And if you're going to somewhat destroy a model, at least do it in spectacular and beautiful fashion, like this artist has. Painting fire well is pretty difficult, but it has been mastered here. Not sure how it was even made in the first place, but I am sure I'd like to see more. Luckily, this artist has quite a few more to see, so go take a look at their page!
4) @honest_ork

Finishing up for us today is Adam, with this rather cool softly spoken dude. He likes to pretend he's got a big commanding masculine voice, the way he's shouting like that. But we all know he's got the voice of an angel. And luckily for him, he's received the paint job to match! I love Adam's painting style, one that is clean and heavily detailed, whilst also providing some grim vibes. the consistency across the board is amazing, and his work actually makes me like the look of space marines, so good job. Adam also writes his own lore to his models, so if you're interested, check out his page!
Thanks for joining us for another weekly showcase and for getting to the end. Not that it's a challenge, when there's always so much amazing art on show. Found your new favourite artist yet? No? Oh that's sad...well, I guess we'll be seeing you next week then!
If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in contact via plasticpreacher@gmail.com or @plasticpreacher on Instagram.
See ya!