Well if it isn't the end of February, and thus, the final showcase of this month. Let's get straight into your weekly dose of inspiration before the suspense kills us all.

First up is this amazing converted piece courtesy of Geordie. This little guy is the combination of both Age of Sigmar and Necromunda parts, and has fit so naturally within the post apocalyptic setting of the latter, you wouldn't even know it's completely unique. The paint job is obviously fantastic too, free handing the little red squares across the fading yellow cloak. Truly masterful brush work that perfectly compliments the conversion skills. If you like what you see, go and check out Geordie's page for more!

Moving on, we've got this beautiful looking tree to question why we must consistently destroy our own planet. This artist has blended the greens and browns of the body to create a striking finished paintjob. The use of pinks and more reddish hues allow the contrasting details to pop. But take a look at the lattice effect on display there; such amazingly detailed work and it is the perfect addition to compliment an awesome paint job. Check out this artists page to see what else they've come up with!
3) @bbl_paint

Next up is none other than a golden demon finalist, treating us all to their take on this surly man. Still really love the grounded nature of the Cities of Sigmar, and this paint portrays that with great skill. The metal work is truly wonderful, looking so very realistic and clean. The cloth and wood work is on the same tier, with the highlighting work pulling out all the stops. Just an awesomely clean and smart paint job. If you're as much a fan of this as I am, make sure you go take a look at this artist's page!
4) @hl_painting

Kicking us all out for overstaying our welcome this week, is Basti with his beautifully horrific alien freak. Tyranids allow for so many different original colour schemes, and this particular one is no different. The blue tones for the skin are incredibly eye catching, and I can't think of a better colour to contrast against that classic bone coloured carapace. I don't think I've seen a scheme that uses bone for the carapace, but doesn't it just make so much more sense? Clearly Basti agrees, so go and check out his page for more work!
Well that was a wild right wasn't it? Are you feeling pumped? Got the heart beating about 50 BPM above healthy? Well, perhaps you should have slowed down on the coffee this morning, and picked up a brush to paint something instead? You've got no excuse now, not with the inspiration these four artist handed to you on a shiny acrylic platter.
If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in touch via here, plasticpreacher@gmail.com or @plasticpreacher via Instagram.
See you next month!
Another great round up mate! Too hard to pick a favourite but the detail on that treeman is so impressive