Yes, you have indeed made it to the end of August, and that deserves a reward; one in the form of a weekly showcase, featuring beautiful artwork to tickle your little inspiration receptors so you can go and do something cool yourself.

Pierre is kicking things off for us this week, with this exceptional piece of lizard art. He has taken the new Astrolith Bearer model, and converted it to look even ore intimidating, swapping out the banner for a nice club. He has even stuck a load of grass to this blue-blooded fella's helmet, making him the talk of the lizard town I'm sure. The paintjob itself is very good, with excellent use of NMM, and a much more grounded, gritty and earthy colour scheme that fits the model perfectly. And of course, the basing is next level, suspended on a leafy log above a pool of murky resin. this is a wonderful piece, and if you'd like to see more, check Pierre out!
2) @ajominipainting

Next up is something a little gross and different, in all the best ways. Ajo here has made sure to ensure the resale price of this vehicle has absolutely plummeted. Converting what is otherwise, a relatively plain model, into something so original and grotesquely interesting and beautiful, is always a talent I admire. Fleshing out the vehicle in all sorts of bits in the theme of Nurgle, this is a vehicle I certainly wouldn't want a joy ride in. This artist has Nurgle pretty much mastered, so if that's up your street, you need to check this artist and the rest of their work out!

Third up is Mo (amazing @ handle) with this awesomely dark boney boy. Dark and gritty painting styles are my favourite, as are skeletal models, so this ticks all my boxes. The metal work is fantastic, using different degrees of rust and tone to show off detail and texture. And the choice for a mustard yellow cloak is the perfect addition to this dirty colour scheme. Looking through Mo's other work, you'll see why picking one picture to showcase was a challenge. Go and get your gritty fix on by checking out Mo's page!
4) @fortyk.w

Closing August's showcases for us is Kieran with his take on this freaky alien bug creature. There's a huge varied amount of different colour schemes for the Tyranids to be found, but this one in particular is super cool and fitting to the models themselves. The contrast of black with a green hue against the red provide the scare factor that this model deserves, looking intimidating rather than goofy. The basing is also really unique, I haven't seen something quite like it, but it fits the model perfectly. If you'd like to see more from Kieran, check out his page!
That is it for this showcase and August! Did you have a good month? Was it everything you had hoped and dreamed for? If not, there's always September. And that's when I'll be seeing you next, for the next installment in the weekly showcases!
If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in contact via or @plasticpreacher on Instagram.
See you!